The RASCHIG antioxidant IONOL® LC is known worldwide as protection against processes of decay. Effects of weather like heat and light, but also mechanical impact catalyse the ageing process of polymers. IONOL LC protects the application from embrittlement, age-related discolouration and loss of flexibility and thus significantly increases the life span of your products.

Protection against the decay process
known worldwide RASCHIG Antioxidans IONOL® LC

IONOL® LC protects and
increases the useful life
for permanent elasticity and tensile strength
As an application in natural and synthetic rubber like gloves, elastic threads, carpet backings or mattress and cushion foams, IONOL LC ensures permanent elasticity and tensile strength. Not only in elastomers, but also in thermoplastic styrene copolymers (e.g. polymer stabilisation for ABS, PVC, CPVC and TPE compounds), industrial rubber products and tyres, IONOL® LC offers improved properties with an outstanding effect in comparison with standard additives. Adhesives and hot-melt adhesives, as well as lubricants profit from reduced volatility, because outstanding stabilisation is also guaranteed at high temperatures.

Natural and synthetic rubber
for permanent elasticity and tensile strength

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions. We are happy to advise you personally.